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The description below is for an image or graphic that appears in the page: Devon SCP subgroups

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A structure chart for Devon SCP entitled How the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership works.

On one side of the diagram, there are five groups that report into the central Executive Group. These five groups are: Child Safeguarding Practice Review Group; Practice Development Group; Joint Commissioning Group; Communication and Engagement Group; Priority Subgroups.

The Priority Subgroups consist of: Child Sexual Abuse Group; Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Group; Child Exploitation Group; Early Help Improvement Board; SEND Improvement Board.

There are two further groups that report into the Practice Development Group – these are Quality Assurance Delivery Group and Workforce Development Group.

On the other side of the diagram is the Expert Reference System, which consists of six Locality Partnerships. These are: Children and Young People; Parent and Carers Forum; Educational Advisory Group; District Councils’ Reference Group; Voluntary and Community Sector Reference Group; Expert Reference Group. These groups provide the interface between the Executive Group (and its subgroups) on one side and children and families on the other.

There are two arrows at the centre of the diagram – one points from the Executive Group to the Locality Partnerships, the other points from the Locality Partnerships to the Executive Group. The arrows indicate that there is a feedback loop between the two sides of the diagram.

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