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SEND and Early Help survey

A Devon-wide survey is being carried out to gauge the workforce’s understanding of SEND and Early Help.

Following the recent SEND inspection by Ofsted in December 2018, it was agreed to support a Devon-wide survey to better gauge the current level of understanding of SEND and Early Help within our workforce. The survey covers all agencies in the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership, including schools.

The results of this survey will be used  to develop training which will be rolled out across the county – it will also help provide a baseline from which to measure the impact of this work.  The survey will allow us to analyse the responses by service area and locality – helping to ensure we have reach and enabling us to provide feedback to service leaders.

The survey can be completed here.

Surveys should be completed by –  Friday 20 September 2019 (deadline extended)

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the send improvement programme – mailbox.
